All board policies may be viewed in detail by accessing the website www.mdusd.org, clicking on the Board of Education tab, select Board Policies in the side menu, and accessing Gamut online. Silverwood’s campus policies parallel those of the Board and MDUSD. Additional information regarding Silverwood campus policies is in bold
- Emergency Information
- Student Accident Insurance
- First Aid
- Medication During School Hours
- Safety Drills
- Emergency Procedures
Emergency Information
Emergency information must be updated for each student at the beginning of each school year by the parents/guardians. As the legal guardian, you are responsible for keeping this information up to date.
In case of an emergency, the school will always try to contact the parents/guardians first, and then proceed to those contacts you have listed. However, if we are unable to reach any of the contacts on the emergency form, it will be necessary to call 911 or the local police for assistance. The family of the student involved will be responsible for any costs incurred.
Student Accident Insurance
The district does not carry insurance for students injured on school property. It does, however, make accident insurance available for purchase by parents through an insurance carrier per California Education Code requirements. The information regarding student insurance is sent home with students at the beginning of each school year. It is available at any time during the school year.
First Aid
A school nurse is not available to elementary schools on a daily basis. Minor injuries requiring cleaning, simple bandages, or ice will be taken care of by office staff. Injuries requiring further care will be referred to parents/guardians.
When students are sent to the office with symptoms of illness – vomiting, fever, diarrhea, rash, etc. – the office staff will call parents/guardians to arrange for the student to be picked up as soon as possible to prevent the spread of illness. Please do not send your student to school if he or she has any of these symptoms present within a 24-hour period of any given school day.
District Nurses are present at school sites on a weekly basis and will administer hearing and vision screening to students in kindergarten and second grade.
Medication During School Hours
Silverwood will not administer any medications during school hours, with the exception of an emergency situation, without the Authorization to Administer Medication During School Hours form filled out and signed by both parent/guardian and medical professional overseeing the prescribed medication. This includes items such as cough drops and eye drops as well as inhalers and other prescription medications. Forms are available in the school office. Silverwood’s policies are in accordance with the following Board policies.
The Governing Board recognizes that during the school day, some students may need to take medication prescribed or ordered by an authorized health care provider, to be functional at school and participate in the educational program. The Superintendent or designee shall develop processes for the administration of medication to these students. For any student with a disability, as defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, necessary medication shall be administered in accordance with the student's individualized education program or Section 504 services plan.
If a parent/guardian chooses, he/she may administer the medication to his/her child at school or designate another individual who is not a school employee to do so on his/her behalf.
In addition, upon written request by the parent/guardian and with the approval of the student's authorized health care provider, a student with a medical condition that requires frequent treatment, monitoring, or testing may be allowed to self-administer, self-monitor, and/or self-test. The student shall observe universal precautions in the handling of blood and other bodily fluids.
Any medication prescribed by an authorized health care provider may be administered by the school nurse or other designated school personnel only when the Superintendent or designee has received written statements from both the student's parent/guardian and authorized health care provider. (Education Code 49423; 5 CCR 600)
To the extent that the administration of a medication, such as epinephrine auto-injector or glucagon, is authorized by law, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that unlicensed personnel designated to administer it to students receive appropriate training from qualified medical personnel before any medication is administered.
Safety Drills
Safety drills are held monthly and a record is kept of the time it takes to evacuate or secure the school site. Silverwood’s evacuation plan is posted in all buildings on campus. Four kinds of safety drills are performed throughout the year:
Fire drills are scheduled monthly at different times during the school day. Routes will be explained to students during the first few days of school.
- Students, staff, and any campus visitors will remain quiet so that they can hear instructions
- Students, staff, and any campus visitors will walk quickly but not run to their designated classroom evacuation spot
- Students, staff, and any campus visitors will wait quietly until the office informs everyone that the drill is complete
- Students, staff, and any campus visitors will then return to classrooms
Students will participate in four earthquake drills during the school year. During this drill, students, staff, and campus visitors are instructed to drop, cover, and hold on. Once the office staff informs those on campus that the shaking has stopped for the purposes of the drill, evacuation procedures as in a fire drill are followed.
In the event of an actual earthquake, Emergency Procedures would be followed after shaking has stopped and those on campus are evacuated (outlined further along in this tab).
This drill is conducted twice a year. During the drill, students, staff, and visitors on campus are to go immediately to the nearest classroom/secure building. Staff will ensure that doors are locked, windows and window coverings are closed, and lights are out. Students, staff, and visitors on campus are instructed to go to the furthest corner of the room away from doors/windows and be as silent as possible until office staff makes an announcement signaling the end of the drill.
Emergency Procedures
During an actual emergency, Silverwood staff and MDUSD may or may not be able to send out a school/district-wide message with further instructions and information for families. If you do not receive verbal instructions or information, you can expect that Silverwood will have the campus set up for emergency evacuation and student pick-up. This will be a process, and it is expected that everyone follow staff instructions once entering the campus in order to maintain calmness and safety.
Typically, you will find staff to direct you, and an area designated for emergency pick-up of students. To complete this process, parents, guardians, or those listed on a student’s emergency contact list are the only people who will be permitted to sign a student out, and ID will be required. Please always be sure your student’s emergency contact list is completely up to date. You can update this information through the HomeLink Parent Portal or in the school office.
Skyhawk Parent & Student Handbook
Dates & Schedules
Regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences are held in September for grades TK-5. During this time, students will be on a minimum-day schedule, being dismissed according to Wednesday bell schedule every day of the week. You will receive advanced notice. This is only one method of accounting for your child’s progress in academic, social, physical, and emotional development. A far more accurate interpretation of growth can take place when parent and teacher maintain a close working relationship in planning and working together towards the optimum development of the student. Individual parent-teacher conferences are the best means of interpreting your child's progress, attitude, and capabilities. We hope you make a special effort to attend. Special conferences about any concern involving your child can be made by contacting the teacher via hand-written note, email, or a phone call.
MDUSD Testing
On January 1, 2014, California Education Code Section 60640 established the CAASPP System of assessments. The CAASPP-CalEDFacts Web page provides a more detailed overview of the system. The CAASPP System includes the following required assessments and tools:
- Smarter Balanced system of assessments for English language arts and mathematics
- California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for English language arts and mathematics for students with significant cognitive disabilities
- California Science Tests (CAST) for science in grades five, eight, and ten
- California Alternative Assessment (CAA) for science in grades five, eight, and ten
Student Placement Procedures
May/June Tentative class placement is developed by staff. Parents may pick up a Student Information Sheet in the office during a two-week period in May. This time period will be announced via a school notice. Through this process, parents are provided with the opportunity to give the school any additional information regarding special program needs for their child(ren).
Summer Moving students are transferred out, new students are enrolled, and class/grade-level adjustments are made.
Late August Parents will receive an email notice from the school to access the Aeries Parent Portal/Homelink, where class assignments will be available. The email notice is usually sent to parents the day before school begins.
August/September Combination classrooms are formed or dissolved as needed to accommodate any decline or increase in enrollment. If individual student placement problems persist after the first month of school, changes will be considered at that time. Changes caused by students leaving or entering at any given grade level during the summer can affect the number of classes at a grade level and whether or not combination classrooms are necessary. Classroom teacher changes may occur through mid-September.
Criteria considered in making up classrooms: Any of the following may be used to balance classrooms – total number of students divided equally in each class; balance of boys and girls, ethnic balance, structure of class, assessment of students’ needs, parent information regarding students’ needs, a reasonable range of ability of achievement in each class, separation of some students, academic balance, leadership balance, last-minute class configuration changes due to over/under enrollment.
Preparing classroom rosters is a collaborative effort involving staff and administrators. The process often takes several weeks, involving many contributing factors including but not limited to: personalities of student and teacher, students receiving exceptional services, the number of students being pulled out for small group instruction, the number of boys and girls and academic levels of each, relationships between fellow students, and the social habits of students.
Requesting a change in your child's classroom impacts the classroom they'd leave, the classroom they'd potentially move to, the scheduling of students in each classroom, the schedule of supports for each classroom, the culture of each classroom, and possibly even the schedule of each teacher.
Before requesting a classroom change, please consider the following:
1) Meet with the current teacher with an open mind to voice your concern. Be very specific.
2) Consider that learning to adapt to multiple teachers with different personalities is excellent social development as well as preparation for middle school.
3) Establish a communication plan with the teacher in regards to providing updates in the area of concern.
4) Remember that we have the same goal - for your child to reach their full potential while receiving a world-class education in a safe and nurturing environment.
Silverwood programs include but are not limited to:
- After school English Learner Programs
- After School Child Care via the CAREs program
- Intervention Programs
- Monthly Award Assemblies
- PTA sponsored assemblies
- Student Body Council – Hawk Flock
- Art Program
- School Site Council
- Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports
- Multiple Tiered Systems of Support
- Counseling
- Music
- Library
- Science Night
- Family Reading Night
- Art and Pi Night
- Growing Healthy Kids
- Art Class
- Field Trips: Classes will plan field trips during the school year. Parents will be invited to attend; however, they must have met volunteer requirements (fingerprinting and TB test).
- MDUSD Policies
- Standards Based Grading/Report Cards
- Title IX
- Special Education
- Curriculum
- Campus Visitors
- Solicitation of Funds
- Volunteers
- Cafeteria
- School Site Council
- Dress Policy
- Student Behavior
- Homework
- Student Success Team (SST)
- Classroom Interruptions
- Animals at School
- Lost & Found
- School Supplies, Technology, & Property
- Birthday Marquee Messages
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Cell Phone Policy
- Independent Study Contracts
MDUSD Policies
All board policies may be viewed in detail by accessing the website. Silverwood’s campus rules parallel those of the Board and MDUSD. Additional information regarding Silverwood campus policies is below.
Standards Based Grading/Report Cards
Where to find Grades (pdf instructions)
California Standards describe what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level. The California Standards are designed to be relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that young people need for success in college and careers. Assessing student progress takes place regularly in several ways including; checking for understanding strategies, classwork, classroom discussion, projects, and formal assessments. Reporting student progress is an essential part of the communication and partnership between home and school. The report card is designed to provide a “snapshot” of grade level standards and communicates an individual student’s progress toward independently meeting both academic and social expectations. We know students are unique and progress through the curriculum at their own pace. This report is simply one means of communicating a student’s progress. Parents are always encouraged to maintain communication with the school staff throughout the year.
Title IX
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that:
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Title IX applies to institutions that receive federal financial assistance from ED, including state and local educational agencies. These agencies include approximately 16,500 local school districts, 7,000 postsecondary institutions, as well as charter schools, for-profit schools, libraries, and museums. Also included are vocational rehabilitation agencies and education agencies of 50 states, the District of Columbia, and territories and possessions of the United States.
Educational programs and activities that receive ED funds must operate in a nondiscriminatory manner. Some key issue areas in which recipients have Title IX obligations are: recruitment, admissions, and counseling; financial assistance; athletics; sex-based harassment; treatment of pregnant and parenting students; discipline; single-sex education; and employment. Also, a recipient may not retaliate against any person for opposing an unlawful educational practice or policy, or made charges, testified or participated in any complaint action under Title IX. For a recipient to retaliate in any way is considered a violation of Title IX. The ED Title IX regulations (Volume 34, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 106) provide additional information about the forms of discrimination prohibited by Title IX. For more information, see the Mt. Diablo Unified School District homepage.
Special Education
Special education refers to a range of services that can be provided in different ways and in different settings. There’s no “one size fits all” approach to special education. It’s tailored to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Special education focuses on supporting students with disabilities. It does not mean placing students in a special classroom all day long. In fact, federal law states that students who receive special education services should learn in the same classrooms as other students and as much as possible. This is known as the least restrictive environment (or LRE). The services and supports for one student may be very different from those of another student. It’s all about the individual child and giving them the resources they need to make progress in school. For example, some students may spend most of the day in a general education classroom. Others may spend just an hour or two in a resource (special education) room working with a specialist. And others might need to attend a different school that specializes in teaching students with learning disabilities.
Parents of students who qualify for special education will be offered an Individualized Education Program (IEP). In brief, an IEP documents the learning disability and the goals the student will work toward.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires public schools to provide special education and related services to eligible students. But not every child who struggles in school qualifies. To be covered, a child’s school performance must be “adversely affected” by a disability in one of the 13 categories.
School districts have a process in place to determine which students are eligible for special education. This process involves a full evaluation that looks at the ways kids think. Generally, it compares assessments of a child’s intellectual ability (IQ) with how much progress they are making in school (their academic achievement). If there is a significant discrepancy, a child may qualify for special education services.
Currently, Silverwood provides a special education resource program for students who have qualified for an IEP based on a specific learning. Silverwood is also one of several school sites where autism classes are held. For more information, please see the MDUSD Special Education website page.
The Governing Board desires to provide a rich, research and standards-based curriculum that motivates every student to succeed. The Board shall adopt instructional goals and objectives which reflect the district's philosophy and delineate the skills, knowledge and abilities students will need in order to lead successful, productive lives.
In order to offer a curriculum that enables students to meet these goals, the Board shall establish curriculum priorities and guidelines for the district. These priorities shall be based on student needs as determined by demographics, data related to student achievement within the district, and the recommendations of staff, parents/guardians and community members.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish a curriculum development process which provides for the ongoing development, review and evaluation of the district's curriculum in keeping with these priorities.
Campus Visitors
The Governing Board encourages parents/guardians and other interested members of the community to visit district schools and view our educational programs. The Superintendent or designee shall invite parents/guardians and the community to open house activities and other similar school events.
To minimize interruption of our instructional programs, the Superintendent shall establish rules and procedures to facilitate campus visits during regular school days. Visitors who wish to visit a campus site during school hours should make prior arrangements with a site administrator or designee. Visitors who seek a conference with a teacher should request that an appointment be scheduled. Teacher conferences shall be set within a reasonable time of the request.
To ensure the safety of students and staff and avoid potential disruptions during school hours, all campus visitors upon entering school grounds must identify themselves, sign in, and receive a visitor's badge at the front office staff.
No audio or video recording devices may be used in a classroom without the teacher and principal's permission
In addition to the Board policies, Silverwood requires a 24-hour notice of a classroom visitation request. An administrator may be present per parent or teacher request, or at the discretion of the administrator. Visits are scheduled for no more than twenty minutes.
Solicitation of Funds
The Governing Board recognizes that participation in fund-raising for nonprofit, nonpartisan charitable organizations can help students develop a sense of social responsibility.
When approved in advance by the Board, funds may be solicited or materials distributed for those nonprofit, nonpartisan organizations that are properly chartered or licensed by state or federal law. (Education Code 51520)
With the approval of the Superintendent or designee, official school-related organizations may organize fund-raising events involving students.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that parents/guardians are informed of the purpose of all fund-raisers benefiting the school or school groups. After the fund-raiser is held, parents/guardians shall be told how much money was raised and how it was spent. Parents/guardians shall be encouraged to offer their suggestions for the use of money raised to improve school facilities or to finance supplementary educational experiences.
Whether solicitations are made on behalf of the school or on behalf of another charitable organization, the Board particularly desires that no students shall be made to feel uncomfortable or pressured to provide funds. Staff is expected to emphasize the fact that donations are always voluntary. No students shall be barred from an activity because they did not participate in fund-raising.
We love classroom and campus volunteers!
Teachers may have a variety of needs requiring volunteers. ALL volunteers must be cleared by MDUSD prior to volunteering (see instructions below) and must sign in at the office upon arrival. Volunteer days, times, and duties are at the discretion of the teacher and should be planned prior to a volunteer signing in. Once signed in to volunteer in a particular classroom, the volunteer must remain with that classroom only and request from the teacher any changes to the previously made arrangement.
Please note: You will not be added to our list of volunteers until all requested documents have been returned to our District office and your fingerprints have been cleared by the Department of Justice. Also, please read the Volunteer and Requirements documents before volunteering.
If you have any questions, please call (925) 682-8000 ext. 4153
For the 2024-2025 school, there is no charge for meals.
In the 2024-2025 school year, Food & Nutrition Services will be accepting Meal Applications. Per the California “Universal Meal” program the district will be required to offer a mandatory breakfast and lunch during the school day to all students at “no cost”.
Student households in schools that qualify for the Community Eligibility Provision program are required to fill out an Alternate Income Form in place of a Meal Application. The Food & Nutrition Services Department will work with schools that qualify and identify each school site that will need to communicate to their community to require the Alternate Income Form to be filled out in the Aeries Student Information System.
School Site Council
The School Site Council or SSC is composed of a minimum of 5 staff members and 5 parents. The Council is responsible for designing the Single Plan for Student Achievement and seeing that the Plan is properly implemented. Council meetings are open to all members of the community.
The MDUSD Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) template is used to provide details regarding your school’s actions and expenditures to support pupil outcomes and overall performance. The SPSA describes goals and specific actions to achieve improved outcomes for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils identified in Education Code section 52052, including pupils with disabilities, related to each of the state priorities and district priorities/strategic plan/initiatives.
The SPSA is a comprehensive planning tool. Your school may reference and describe actions and expenditures in other plans when detailing goals, actions, and expenditures. The information contained in the SPSA may be supplemented by information contained in other plans that are incorporated or referenced as relevant in this document.
Dress Policy
The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Therefore, students are to dress appropriately on all school campuses and at all school activities in the district. Students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles, but they must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction which would interfere with the educational process. Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about dress and grooming standards at the beginning of the school year and whenever these standards are revised.
Students should project an appearance that is conducive to a safe learning environment. Dress which is disruptive and contrary to school rules regarding drugs/alcohol/violence, and gangs is not permitted. Student clothing, emblem, badge, jewelry, symbol, or other insignia which creates a clear and present danger on school premises or the disruption of the orderly operation of the school is prohibited. Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about the school dress code at the beginning of the year and when revised. A student who violates the dress code shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
In addition to Board policy, Silverwood has determined that the following are considered inappropriate and/or unsafe for school: flip-flops and backless and/or open-toed sandals, very short shorts, very baggy/sagging pants, see-through tops without suitable undergarments, very short tops exposing the midriff area, strapless tops, and tops with spaghetti straps. Hats are not allowed in the classroom, and make-up is not considered appropriate at the elementary school level.
Student Behavior
The district believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. To that end, the district, schools, and community have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance. The district will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student.
A student shall not intimidate or harass another student through words or actions, including cyber activity that impacts the learning environment and/or student safety. Such behavior includes direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving, verbal or written assaults, such as teasing or name-calling, social isolation or manipulation, and cyber activity that includes transmission of harassing communications, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social media or other technologies.
This policy applies whenever a student is on school grounds, traveling to and from school or a school sponsored activity, during the lunch period, whether on or off campus, and during a school-sponsored activity. It also includes off campus bullying that has impact or potential impact on school activity, school attendance, or the educational performance of a targeted student/s.
Students who act in violation of this policy may be subject to school/district disciplinary procedures up to and including expulsion.
In addition to Board policy, Silverwood’s standards for behavior include the following:
- Students will enter the classroom in an orderly manner, on time, and ready for work.
- Students will observe classroom standards concerning procedures such as: sharpening pencils, getting needed materials, moving about the classroom, respecting the privacy of others, following directions, and caring for the tools of learning.
- Students are not to bring toys, radios, or personal equipment to school without permission from their teacher. Such items brought by permission of the teacher shall stay in the classroom.
- Students may only bring cellular phones and other personal electronic signaling devices per AR 5131(E) as enclosed at the end of this tab. These devices will remain in backpacks until the end of the school day.
- Students will report playground issues to a noon supervisor, teacher, or other adult employee nearby, whether the issue is a conflict or an injury. Most playground issues will be settled by the adult addressed.
The Governing Board recognizes that homework serves multiple purposes and contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline and lifelong learning habits that influence students' ability to meet the district's academic standards. The Board expects students, parents/guardians and staff to view homework as a routine and important part of students' lives.
It is the student's responsibility to do homework assignments independently, in collaborative study groups and/or make use of other available resources. The Board encourages teachers at all grade levels to work with parents/guardians in a mutually supportive and respectful partnership to help their students succeed in their academic achievement. When students repeatedly fail to complete their homework, parents/guardians shall be notified and asked to contact the teacher.
Students who miss school work because of an excused absence shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments, class-work, homework and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and tests missed during the absence. Students shall receive full credit for work satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time. The teacher shall provide the student access to the topics covered during the student's absence. Teachers shall inform students and parents/guardians of the makeup work plan at the beginning of each grade/course.
Student Success Team (SST)
The Governing Board encourages the cooperation of the parent/guardian, classroom teacher, specialists and administrators through participation in a Student Success Team (SST) process. An SST is a process of general education that uses a problem solving approach to assist students who are not progressing at a satisfactory rate. The Superintendent or designee shall establish Student Success Teams to clarify problems and concerns, develop strategies, organize resources and provide a system of follow-up and accountability. The Board expects that SSTs will assist school staff in meeting the needs of students and their families in a consistent, effective and positive manner.
Classroom Interruptions
The Governing Board recognizes that class time should be dedicated to student learning. The Board believes that classroom interruptions which are not related to the educational program should be kept at an absolute minimum.
Silverwood’s staff asks that you respect the learning environment of the classroom and confirm after-school plans before your student arrives at school. Messages will be posted on the respective teacher’s mailbox, with the exception of absolute emergencies, and recognizing teachers often only check mailboxes at their lunch time. Email or other third-party applications the classroom teacher may be using is a good way to communicate direct messages to teachers as well. Items left at home may be brought to the office; the office staff will alert the respective teacher that a student has an item in the office, and the student will come up to retrieve it when time allows.
Birthday treats are welcome; however, healthy treats are encouraged. Please check with your child’s teacher regarding his/her classroom policy for treats. Balloons, clowns, etc. are not allowed at any time.
Animals at School
The Governing Board recognizes that animals can be an effective teaching aid. In addition, instruction related to the care and treatment of animals teaches students a sense of responsibility and promotes the humane treatment of living creatures.
Animals may be brought to school for educational purposes, subject to rules and precautions specified in administrative regulations related to health, safety and sanitation. Teachers shall ensure that these rules and precautions are observed so as to protect both the students and animals.
Seeing-eye dogs and service dogs may accompany students and staff at school as needed and should have their service bib visible or easily identifiable.
Silverwood requires administrative permission prior to bringing any animal onto campus. Dogs, no matter how friendly, are a danger on a school campus full of active children. Your cooperation in keeping pets at home will aide in maintaining a safe school situation.
Lost & Found
Families are encouraged to label student outerwear and loose belongings such as backpacks, lunch bags, and water bottles. Items left on the playground or in the cafeteria or quad/pod areas will be kept in the lost-and-found bin just outside of the Silverwood library. Periodically we will remind families to check for left-behind items prior to donating all articles to charitable businesses. Small items – jewelry, glasses, etc. – are usually brought up to the office, so be sure to check there if you’re looking for a lost item of that kind.
School Supplies, Technology, & Property
Families will be asked to sign a Responsible Use Agreement at the beginning of each school year which defines use of technology on campus. A student will not be permitted to use any of the school technology without a current agreement on file.
School books and supplies are free to students in California Public Schools. Students are held responsible for damage to books and school property beyond reasonable wear and tear. Textbooks, library books, and work books that are lost should be paid for by the student. Report cards may be held until fees are paid. Students are encouraged to take pride in their school materials and facilities.
Birthday Marquee Messages
Anti-bullying Policy
It is the responsibility of all staff, students, and community members of Silverwood Elementary to ensure our school is a safe, caring place where everyone is respected and no one is bullied.
Bullying occurs when someone is repeatedly, with words or actions, hurts, frightens, threatens, or leaves someone out on purpose. Some examples of bullying include the following incidences that are repeated over time:
- Pushing, hitting, kicking, or throwing things at someone
- Constant name calling or teasing
- Threatening to hurt someone
- Always leaving someone out on purpose
- Spreading rumors about someone, including cyber-bullying on social media
Students, who believe that they are being bullied or have seen another student being bullied, should immediately report the problem to a teacher or another staff member. Any parent, who becomes aware of a bullying incident, should report it to a teacher or school administration.
Consequences for Violating Anti-Bullying Policy
- After an investigation, Silverwood administration will take the following steps when a student is found to have violated the Anti-Bullying Policy:
- Meeting with student
- School administration will meet with the student to discuss the incident and reinforce to the student that bullying will not be tolerated on campus. The student will be reminded of the Silverwood expectations.
- Notification and meeting with parents
- School administration will notify the parents of all students involved in the bullying incident. The parents of the student that has violated the anti-bullying policy may also be asked to meet with other staff members including the student’s teacher and members of our Student Success Team (SST).
- Resolution and Correction
- Students found to have violated the Anti-Bullying Policy will receive the following: behavioral intervention, other means of correction (OMC) and/or in-school suspension, out of school suspension. The school administration will determine the resolution and corrections.
Cell Phone Policy
Independent Study Contracts
Short Term Independent Study is available for students who will be absent from school between 5-14 days and may be used in the event of quarantine, isolation or other board-approved reasons. Students are assigned work to be completed during the independent study contract period and it is due on the third day back to school. Students are given credit once the work is returned to school and it is approved by the assigned teacher(s). No credit may be given for assignments turned in after the third day back from school.
Short Term Independent Study Contracts are available at our school site or English, or Spanish.
Requests for Independent Study contracts must be given to the teacher(s) or school secretary at least 10 school days before the first day of the absence (in the event of an emergency, contact the principal).
Arrival: Drop Off TK/K
TK/K grade student supervision begins at 8:00 AM. Silverwood is a locked, unsupervised campus until 8:00 AM each school day.
Students may be dropped off at 8:00 AM at the Launch Pad, located in front of The Nest. Students will be led onto campus at 8:00 AM. Please do not drop off TK or K students in the Bus Circle.
In the event of rain, and at 8:00 AM, students will be escorted by staff to their classrooms or the Birdhouse.
Parents are welcome to be with their children in front of the school at the Launch Pad; however, parents will only be allowed on campus once they have checked in at the school office.
Arrival: Drop Off 1st-5th Grade
1st-5th grade student supervision begins at 8:00 AM. Silverwood is a locked, unsupervised campus until 8:00 AM each school day.
Students may be dropped off at 8:00 AM at the Landing Zone, in front of the Birdhouse, also known as the multi-purpose room.
Students will be led onto campus at 8:00 AM. Play equipment (play structure usage, balls, tag games, tetherballs, running, etc.) will not be available.
From 8:00 am 8:10 AM, students will participate in the Walk and Talk program.
In the event of rain, and at 8:00 AM, students will wait in the Birdhouse until school begins.
Parents are welcome to be with their children in front of the school at the Landing Zone; however, parents will only be allowed on campus once they have checked in at the school office.
Parents driving their children to school and on campus may drop their 1st-5th grade children off in front of the Birdhouse. When driving on campus, please only drop your children off in the designated area.
Before dropping off your children:
Make sure they know how to release the seat belt.
Are prepared to leave your vehicle, which means they have their backpack, musical instruments, etc. ready to go.
When leaving the parking lot/drop-off area in front of the Birdhouse, parents are requested, and as noted with signage, to turn right only. Turning right when leaving the parking lot ensures a higher level of safety for all and reduces traffic congestion.
To reduce traffic congestion, parents are encouraged to arrange carpools and have their children walk or ride bikes/scooters to school.
***The kindergarten bus circle is an area for buses and 1st-5th grade dismissal only. Parking is never permitted in the kindergarten bus circle (except for buses and emergency vehicles). ***
TK/K Dismissal
TK and K students will remain at the Nest until their parents arrive.
Please do not ask your child to walk to another location on campus for pick-up, as supervision is designated in specific areas.
When you arrive at campus on foot or park in the surrounding neighborhood and walk onto campus, we ask that you wait at the Launch Pad. Please always use crosswalks and refrain from walking through drop-off and pick-up traffic at all times. And do please be considerate of Silverwood’s neighbors’ property and driveways.
The Nest (kindergarten playground) is not open for use after dismissal.
1st-5th Dismissal
1st-5th grade students will be lined-up at the Launch Pad, an area next to the Bus Circle, on the far right side of campus.
Please do not ask your child to walk to another location on campus for pick-up, as supervision is designated in specific areas.
If you arrive at campus on foot or park in the surrounding neighborhood and walk onto campus, we ask that you wait on the Launch Pad. Please always use crosswalks and refrain from walking through drop-off and pick-up traffic at all times. Please be considerate of Silverwood’s neighbors’ property and driveways.
The Nest (kindergarten playground) is not open for use after dismissal.
Parents picking up children in a vehicle are requested to enter the Bus Circle only if there are no school buses present and to pull as far forward in the Bus Circle as possible and remain in the vehicle. Staff will direct students to vehicles.
Parents picking up children in a vehicle are requested to show a placard or sheet of paper with their child’s name and grade on it. This will expedite the process of locating your child and help to move cars forward. Staff will provide parents with a placard at the start of the school year.
Turn right only when exiting the Bus Circle.
Traffic congestion during drop-off and pick-up times can be reduced when drop-off and pick-up procedures are followed. In addition, and to reduce traffic congestion, parents are encouraged to arrange carpools and have their children walk or ride bikes/scooters to school.
Students who are not picked up on time will be sent to the office. The courtesy of calling the office to notify the school that you will be late is appreciated. Parents are to pick up their children in the office. Parents who are repeatedly late will be asked to meet with the principal to discuss how we can be supportive in assisting the parent to arrive on time. Supervising students who are not picked up on time results in staff being late to meetings and other after-school programs and activities. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Bell Schedule
Rainy Days
Always check in at the office when tardy to avoid being marked absent. Students in grades 1-5 who arrive prior to 8:25 a.m. will be instructed by the office to head to class where teachers are completing attendance and will document the late arrival. Students in grades 1-5 who arrive after 8:25 a.m. will receive a tardy slip from the office, and the time of arrival and reason for tardiness will be documented in attendance. Parents/Guardians of TK and Kindergarten students may be asked to contact the office regarding late arrivals.
Students are encouraged to establish a habit of promptness and are at a disadvantage when they arrive late as they frequently miss directions given by the teacher. In addition, tardy students cause a classroom disruption for the teacher and other students.
Tardy letters will be periodically sent home to families of students who are perpetually tardy. A tardy over 30 minutes will be reported as a partial-day absence. Partial-day absences require the same verification as full-day absences.
The Governing Board believes that regular attendance plays an important role in student achievement. The Board recognizes its responsibility under the law to ensure that students attend school regularly. Parents/guardians of children aged 6 to 18 are obligated to send their children to school unless otherwise provided by law. The Board shall abide by all state attendance laws and may use appropriate legal means to correct the problems of excessive absence or truancy.
Absence from school shall be excused only for health reasons, family emergencies and justifiable personal reasons, as permitted by law, Board policy and administration regulations. (Education Code 46010, 48216, 48205) Parents may be required to furnish proper medical and/or verification of absence for continued excessive absenteeism as determined by the principal and/or District Student Services Administrator (5 C.A.C. 5306 and 5421)
Inasmuch as class participation is an integral part of students' learning experiences, parents/guardians and students shall be encouraged to schedule medical appointments during non-school hours.
Student absence for religious instruction or participation in religious exercises away from school property may be considered excused subject to law and administrative regulations. (Education Code 46014)
When your student is absent from school, please send a written note, an email (to potratze@mdusd.org), or call the office (925) 687-1150 and include your student’s name, teacher’s name, the reason for the absence, the date(s) of the absence, and your relationship to the student. Not all reasons will be excused. Unexcused absences or unverified absences are considered truancy.