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PTA Organizational Goals

Please join our PTA! Silverwood’s PTA is a parent-led volunteer organization that is run in collaboration with Silverwood teachers and staff.  Our PTA is part of the California PTA and the National PTA.  The goals of PTA are to:

  • Provide financial assistance for educational and staff support
  • Sponsor special events that directly benefit students, families and the community
  • Provide funds for enriching projects
  • Promote and practice inclusiveness
  • Promote and build family engagement to foster positive outcomes for every child.

Members of the executive board are specified in the association bylaws. The officers, chairmen of standing committees, the principal of the school, or a representative appointed by the principal, and a teacher representative, and/or student representative(s) all of whom shall be members of that PTA/PTSA.  The board should reflect the school community.

The PTA meets the second Thursday of each month in the Library at 7:00 pm.  Check the website at for updated information on special meetings.  If you can’t attend the meetings there are many other ways you can support our school: 

  • Buy a membership for $10.00 (please visit our website)
  • Volunteer at PTA-sponsored events such as the Turkey Trot and the Skyhawk Carnival
  • Participate in school fundraisers throughout the year (Flamingo Flocking, Dine and Donate, Otis Spunkmeyer)
  • Volunteer in your child’s classroom or chaperone on a field trip.

Membership & Meetings

The PTA meets the second Thursday of each month in the Library at 7:00 pm.  Check the website at for updated information on special meetings.  If you can’t attend the meetings there are many other ways you can support our school: 

  • Buy a membership for $10.00 (please visit our website)
  • Volunteer at PTA-sponsored events such as the Turkey Trot and the Skyhawk Carnival
  • Participate in school fundraisers throughout the year (Flamingo Flocking, Dine and Donate, Otis Spunkmeyer)
  • Volunteer in your child’s classroom or chaperone on a field trip.

Information & Links

PTA Organizational Goals

Silverwood PTA is a parent-led volunteer organization that is run in collaboration with Silverwood teachers and staff.  Our PTA is part of the California PTA and the National PTA.  The goals of PTA are to:

  • Provide financial assistance for educational and staff support
  • Sponsor special events that directly benefit students, families and the community
  • Provide funds for enriching projects
  • Promote and practice inclusiveness
  • Promote and build family engagement to foster positive outcomes for every child.

Board Officers

Members of the executive board are specified in the association bylaws. The officers, chairmen of standing committees, the principal of the school, or a representative appointed by the principal, and a teacher representative, and/or student representative(s) all of whom shall be members of that PTA/PTSA.  The board should reflect the school community.

Our PTA can be reached by emailing

Current Officers

President ~ Linda Raney

Vice President ~ Desiree Morgan

Vice President of Fundraising ~ Geneve Vergara

Secretary/Historian ~ Tammy Agustin

Treasurer ~ Joanna Vogt-Adcock

Parliamentarian ~ Cora MItchell

Kindergarten Tile Wall